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01342 330302

Labia Fat Transfer

Labia Fat transfer is a very useful adjunctive procedure for volumisation and contouring in aesthetic gynaecology and female genital cosmetic surgery, it is also increasingly popular for patients to ask for ‘puffing’ up the labia majora to give a more youthful appearance to the outer lips or labia majora.

The down-time for fat transfer to labia procedure is generally very short and most people on average can return to work anywhere between one to seven days later depending on whether one or more procedures has been performed and the size of the donor site harvesting. Light activities can be resumed according to patient comfort. Normal activities can usually be resumed after a couple days (except heavy exercise) – Mr Banwell and his team will be able to give further information.


Labia majora enhancement is a fairly simple forward procedure to perform technically. Fat may be harvested from a donor site (usually abdomen or outer thighs)and then injected into the outer labia (‘outer’ lips or labia majora) with microcannulae. As with all fat transfer, it relies on the fat grafts to survive by developing a new blood supply in the recipient site (in this case the labia majora). Over correction is usually recommended as there is a degree of absorption after this procedure so please feel free to ask Mr Banwell or his team for further information on these indications.


The cost of labial fat transfer comprises the surgical fee, the hospital fee and the anaesthetic fee (if applicable). Mr Banwell’s team would be happy to provide package price estimates (which may differ slightly depending on the hospital and anaesthetic costs). Please feel free to call the clinic on 01342 330302 or email


Mr Banwell is also happy to perform labial fat transfer in his Harley Street Clinic. If surgery in London is more convenient please do let the team know and they would be happy to book surgery for you and provide an estimate of costs for Harley Street.

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Please contact Mr Banwell's office on 01342 330302 or email for further information.

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Treatment Factsheet

For your convenience Mr Banwell has created a factsheet for this treatment to download and retain.

Labia Fat Transfer
At a Glance

1.5 hours


Labia Fat Transfer
At a Glance

Daycase/Inpatient 1 night


Labia Fat Transfer
At a Glance



Labia Fat Transfer
At a Glance



Labia Fat Transfer
At a Glance

Sleeping on back recommended for 2 weeks.


Labia Fat Transfer
At a Glance



Labia Fat Transfer
At a Glance

Shower after 1 day. Bath after 2 weeks.


Labia Fat Transfer
At a Glance

1 week


Labia Fat Transfer
At a Glance

4 weeks


Labia Fat Transfer
At a Glance

After 4 weeks


Labia Fat Transfer
At a Glance

2 weeks


Labia Fat Transfer
At a Glance



Labia Fat Transfer
At a Glance

Not applicable


Mr Banwell recommends that the majority of this kind of surgery is best performed under a general anaesthetic undertaken by a specialist anaesthetist.

Usually the operation is performed as a day case. Most people report that discomfort and swelling in the first few days are minor. Paracetamol is usually all that is required for pain relief.. It is necessary to take things easy for the first few days and sleep on your back. Mr Banwell, the hospital nurses and Mr Banwell’s team would be delighted to be of help.

There are both general and specific risks and Mr Banwell will talk to you in detail regarding the risks and where they stem from. General risks include bruising and swelling, bleeding, wound infection, problems with general anaesthetics. Specific risks include uneven or asymmetrical results, including lumpiness and dimpling, skin discolouration, loss of sensation (temporary loss of sensation almost always occurs and recovers after some months) and the need for repeat procedures. Fat does absorb so further procedures may be required.

  • Surgical fees
  • Hospital fees
  • Specialist anaesthetist fees

The consultation was conducted quickly, professionally but Mr Banwell also made me feel as if any question I may have wouldn’t not be too small or insignificant for him to take the time to answer. He left me feeling fully informed with both the pros and cons of any form of elective surgery but also that my worries were normal and that he would be able to assist me with my desired outcomes. His team were caring and professional making me feel that they were actually interested and were able to accommodate my dates when making the initial consultation booking. Prompt returning of calls, flexibility in booking of appointments friendliness, informative, caring and professional from the initial telephone call, the surgery, follow up appointments right through to my final appointment made me feel that my care, personal views and worries were important to them at all times. You can trust him to always be honest with you about the possible problems and outcomes. Overall experience with Mr Banwell and his team? Amazing! I just wish I’d not waited so many years to have this procedure done; I have my life back and it’s amazing to be able to walk into any shop and buy clothes that fit in my actual size and not 5 dress sizes larger just to fit my bust in. With the Upper Blepharoplasty everyone in my family says that I now look so much brighter and not tired, others I meet just tell me I look really great and ask if I’ve just had a holiday. Mr Banwell Thank You for all that you did for me.

Anne G.

I realised initially that surgery was my only option. Initially hesitant about surgery I accepted Mr Banwell’s advice and counselling. I am impressed with his expertise surgically combined with his caring attitude to patients like me. I would recommend him highly without any hesitation. He inspires confidence.

Michael S.

I read about Mr Banwell on the internet and after speaking to him on the telephone, when he explained how he would help, I felt confident that I had found a solution. Mr Banwell gave my daughter a course of epiduo and this made an improvement quite quickly. He then suggested a course of Tetralysal and this has now completely transformed her skin. She is acne free.

Zoe B.

Dear Mr Banwell I am writing to thank you, Kim and the rest of the lovely staff at the McIndoe. I was very nervous when I first met you, about having surgery but realised that it was a necessary evil. I need not have been worried, as from our initial consultation to surgery to full recovery, you have all been amazing.  You have changed my life – for the first time ever I have had some photos taken of me and my children. I stand taller and feel so much happier with life. I have even started my own business. I never realised that it would have had such a profound effect – and it didn’t hurt!! Thank you again.  I wish you and your team lots of health, luck and happiness.

Pamela C.

Just to say a BIG thank you to you and your team for all the wonderful help and support you have given me over the last 1 ½ years. You have given me back my confidence thank you.

Jan G.

From initial consultation right through to arrival for surgery and the subsequent aftercare, I have found the level of courtesy, understanding and professionalism of yourself and your team (both medical and administrative) to have been exemplary. So please accept my heartfelt thanks for accepting me as a patient and for your surgical expertise which has made such a positive difference in so many aspects of my life.

Christina C.


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