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01342 330302

Thigh Lift

One of the most common complaints I hear from my patients during body contouring consultations is the appearance of loose or baggy skin along the inner thigh resulting from massive weight loss. It occurs, on average, because the skin of the inner thigh has less elasticity than other parts of the body, such as the face. As a result, patients who lose a large amount of weight, especially gastric bypass patients or gastric balloon patients, are likely to be left with this problem. It can also occur after large amounts of liposuction/liposculpture or as part of the normal process of ageing.

If you have developed this issue and it is making you too self-conscious to wear a swimming costume, for best results, you may want to consider a cosmetic Thigh Lift procedure. In Thigh Lift plastic surgery, the excess skin along the inner thigh, be it the upper or outer part, is measured with a pinch technique and removed. The scar may be confined to the groin crease alone, extending posteriorly under the buttock crease, but it may also extend to the inner thigh. A compression garment is worn for eight weeks after a lift, to control swelling and promote healing during recovery. Massage and manual lymphatic drainage is actively encouraged after thigh lift surgery. Light activity such as walking is encouraged.

A medial, laterial or bilateral Thigh Lift can be performed alone or in combination with other body contouring procedures, such as liposuction, breast lift (mastopexy) or breast reduction. However, it is not advisable to have a Thigh Lift and tummy tuck, or a mini tummy tuck together because the skin is being pulled in opposite directions for each procedure and delays in healing could occur. Combined surgeries are very long and do potentially increase the complication rate so the decision for much bigger surgeries needs to be considered very carefully.

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Thigh Lift Before
And After Gallery

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Thigh Lift Price From

Please contact Mr Banwell's office on 01342 330302 or email for further information.

Thigh Lift
Treatment Factsheet

For your convenience Mr Banwell has created a factsheet for this treatment to download and retain.

Thigh Lift
At a Glance

3 hours


Thigh Lift
At a Glance

2 night


Thigh Lift
At a Glance



Thigh Lift
At a Glance



Thigh Lift
At a Glance

Sleeping on back recommended for 4 weeks


Thigh Lift
At a Glance

1 day


Thigh Lift
At a Glance

Shower after 2 days. Bath after 2 weeks


Thigh Lift
At a Glance

3 weeks


Thigh Lift
At a Glance

6 - 8 weeks


Thigh Lift
At a Glance

Restricted Activity after 8 weeks


Thigh Lift
At a Glance

6 - 8 weeks


Thigh Lift
At a Glance

2 weeks


Thigh Lift
At a Glance



In most cases, a curved horizontal scar can be used and placed in the groin crease after lifting. There tends to be a small amount of downward migration of the scar due to gravity, but it is usually not noticeable except in a very revealing bathing suit. If there is a very large amount of excess skin, such as the amount often seen after gastric bypass, a vertical scar along the inner thigh may be necessary as well.

Most patients are in fact good candidates for liposuction alone and will have a very satisfactory result. However, the quality of the final result depends on the ability of your skin to shrink after the fat has been removed, and in some cases there will be some residual loose skin. If you are not satisfied with the tightness of the inner thighs after liposuction, a Thigh Lift can be considered. If large amounts of loose skin are already present, then liposuction alone will probably not fulfil your needs.

Complications resulting from a Thigh Lift are very uncommon but they do occasionally occur and they must be considered before you have surgery. There are two categories of risks for a Thigh Lift: the general risks associated with all surgical procedures and the risks that are specific to a Thigh Lift.

The general risks include to the risks associated with a general anaesthesia, bleeding, infection, numbness, healing delay and scar formation. The scars may be visible in a swimming costume even if they are hidden in the groin crease because gravity causes a small amount of scar migration. Delays in healing may also occur because the closure has to be tight enough to get a good result. There may be some numbness of the thighs or legs if nerve branches are included in the skin removed. In rare instances, there may be compromise of the nerves, muscles or blood vessels because of compression due to excess swelling.

A Thigh Lift is a safe and predictable cosmetic surgery procedure, and it will also enhance the appearance of other body contouring procedures, such as Tummy Tuck and Liposuction.

The best candidate for a Thigh Lift is someone who has lost a large amount of weight and is left with loose, baggy skin along the inner thigh. Patients who have developed loose skin because of the ageing process or prior surgery such as Liposuction may also be excellent candidates. If there is an excess amount of fat in the lower part of the inner thigh or knee, it can be treated with Liposuction at the same time.

The care was excellent both pre and post operatively. During my stay at the hospital I knew exactly what to expect and when, which was most reassuring. The outcome is exactly as I’d have hoped. My eyes look less heavy and it’s as if they have more space to open! I’d never heard of the procedure before seeing Mr Banwell but I knew that something needed doing, and I’m absolutely delighted with the results.

Janet T.

Mr Banwell and his team were really great. They were friendly, professional and love to deal with. Mr Banwell did amazing work for me and I’m absolutely delighted with the outcome. I would highly recommend Mr Banwell to anyone who is thinking about breast augmentation.

Mise S.

Thank you so much to you and your team for all that you have done for me, it is greatly appreciated.

Sarah Z.

My care was efficient and well taken care of, the outcome of my surgery couldn’t be more perfect, I’m so pleased. My surgery has given me a new found confidence in my body in a way I never thought I could feel.

Amelia P.

I decided to have treatment with Mr Banwell as I had been seeing him on several occasions regarding stomach irregularities due to a disastrous lipo operation abroad a few years ago. We discussed various options together and I always felt comfortable talking with Mr Banwell and trust him completely to give me the correct advice when considering surgery. I felt my expectations were realistic as Mr Banwell had advised me of the possible downside of the procedure. However, all my expectations were exceeded tenfold! My stomach is looking so much better aesthetically and my breasts look amazing! Mr Banwell and his team excelled at making me feel comfortable and relaxed. I felt I was able to discuss matters with friendly people who cared. I feel Mr Banwell takes time to cover all aspects of the procedure in a friendly, caring and informative manner. I feel happy to say one couldn’t be in safer hands. My overall experience with Mr Banwell and his team has been very positive in all aspects culminating in amazing results. I couldn’t be happier.

Karen D.

Mr Banwell gave all the facts about the operations (positives and negatives). The results and thorough aftercare exceeded my expectations. You can feel confident to put your trust in Mr Banwell’s professional and thorough approach to doing what is right for you. I was very happy with the whole experience. Thank you!

Paula G.


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