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01342 330302

Mole Removal

Mr Paul Banwell is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon and specialises in mole removal with minimal scarring in the South East and London area. We have clinics for surgical mole removal in East Grinstead, Tunbridge Wells, Haywards Heath, Brighton, Sevenoaks, Worthing, Horsham, Caterham, Burgess Hill, Eastbourne, Westerham, Oxted, Reigate, Guildford and London. Please phone the Banwell Clinic today on 01342 330302.

Do you have moles that you dislike?

Many moles (medical term = ‘naevus’ or ‘naevi’ ) are not only cosmetically unacceptable, but they may also be a nuisance. They may get cut during shaving, bleed, or get caught on clothing, necklaces or combs. Some moles are “beauty spots”, but others may look unattractive and be a source of concern. The same may apply to small birth marks, skin tags, warts, cysts, papillomas and other lumps and bumps on the skin which need removing.

Mole Shave Excision

Doctors know that most moles can be removed simply and quickly without the need to cut the skin or have stitches (otherwise known as shave excision) although sometimes stitches may be required. The expert skin specialist, Mr Paul Banwell, Consultant Plastic Surgeon and Skin Expert, uses both these methods to remove moles, skin tags and birthmarks. These small procedures are carried out under a local aneasthetic (with you awake) but sometimes sedation or a general anaesthetic might be preferable.

Removal Techniques

Moles on the face and neck respond best to removal techniques. Other body areas are more likely to leave a small patch of pale skin when the mole has been removed.  Of course, all moles are examined by Mr Banwell who will identify and diagnose it before removal and if there is any concern that the moles are not completely benign (harmless growths) then sampling of tissue may be recommended with the pathologist. In these cases we like to be sure the mole is not possibly cancerous.

Mole Excision Biopsy

Alternatively Mr Banwell may decide to remove the whole mole (this is termed an excision biopsy). In most cases the moles will be sent away to the laboratory for analysis unless the surgical removal is purely for cosmetic reasons. You are in good hands as Mr Banwell performs hundreds of these procedures every year and was also the Founder and Head of the Melanoma and Skin Cancer Unit (MASCU) in East Grinstead. Mr Banwell has clinics for mole removal, surgical mole excision and skin tag removal in East Grinstead, Haywards Heath, Tunbridge Wells, Worthing, Brighton and London. So if you would like mole removal or surgical mole removal in Sussex, Kent or Surrey please phone the office on 01342 330302.

Mr Banwell is able to remove hairy moles, unsightly moles, skin tags, warts, warty lesions, keratotic lesions, skin cancers, basal cell carcinomas (BCC), squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and malginant melanomas (MM).

For a consultation please phone 01342 330302 or book on this site.

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Please contact Mr Banwell's office on 01342 330302 or email for further information.

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Treatment Factsheet

For your convenience Mr Banwell has created a factsheet for this treatment to download and retain.

Mole Removal
At a Glance

30 - 60 minutes


Mole Removal
At a Glance

Outpatient procedure (sometimes day case main theatre)


Mole Removal
At a Glance



Mole Removal
At a Glance



Mole Removal
At a Glance

Sleeping with pillows for 1 week


Mole Removal
At a Glance

1 day


Mole Removal
At a Glance

Can shower immediately.


Mole Removal
At a Glance

Following day


Mole Removal
At a Glance

2 weeks off


Mole Removal
At a Glance

1 day


This refers simply to the surgical removal (cutting out) of a mole or “lump & bump” on the skin. The resultant wound is usually then put back together with stitches (sutures) but in some cases the lump/mole may be ‘shaved’ off and stitches are not required. There have also been instances of a dermatologist or doctor freezing a mole before removal.

Mole removal procedure is usually performed under local anaesthetic (with you awake and the skin numbed by giving an injection with a needle – just like at the dentist). This is a quick and simple procedure with a short recovery period which will be thoroughly explained to you.

The operation itself may take between 15 – 60 minutes, depending upon what is being removed. You will be in the operating theatre for slightly longer than this to prepare for the surgery process and have the injection of the local anaesthetic.

Aftercare following mole removal surgery will see the wound being dressed with brown micropore tape. This can get wet (showering or washing) but you should not soak in the bath. You will be able to shower the day after surgery, after which you can pat the tape dry with a towel then use a hairdryer. It is important to ensure the tape is fully dried. This will stay in place until after your stitches are removed. Mr Banwell may give you antibiotics in some instances.

You will be able to return to sedentary activity (i.e. an office job) the following day, but should avoid strenuous physical activity for a minimum of 2-weeks. Stitches are removed between 1 and 2 weeks after the surgery. If your lump was shaved off then you will just leave the dressing to fall off in time.

You will be able to drive the following day if you are careful. If the operation was on your face or head, it is important not to bend down or lift things for 48-hours after the operation – this is to minimise the risk of bleeding (for example, when doing up shoe laces, bring your foot up whilst sitting down, rather than bending down). It is also a good idea to use a couple of pillows when sleeping to avoid laying flat. This helps minimize swelling and there may be redness and scarring.

This is a safe, reliable and simple procedure with a low complication rate.

These include wound infection, bleeding (usually just bleeding through the dressing), pain, numbness, damage to nerves and vessels, delayed wound healing and the formation of a lumpy scar (known as a hypertrophic or keloid scar). A further problem occasionally encountered is “suture spitting” – this refers to the deeper dissolvable stitches coming out of the wound often after several weeks (and rarely months) after the surgery.

Procedure was quick, pain fee and I was made to feel at ease. I would highly recommend Mr Banwell, he provided an honest opinion of the result and all the options. I barely have a scar to speak of! Great result.

Claire H.

I am writing to let you know that I was very pleased with the recent surgery to remove several moles on my face, neck and back. The whole process was carried out very efficiently.  The mole on my face has almost completely disappeared already.  The post-operative information was most helpful, although the leaflet I was given varied slightly from your verbal instructions. However, you accurately told me what to expect.  I have no hesitation in recommending your work to other people.  The on site staff were all friendly and helpful throughout.

Pamela H.

I was very happy with the care during the surgery and the team were friendly and efficient.  I was very happy with the outcome of the surgery and I would recommend Mr Banwell to others.

Rita C.


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