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Gynecomastia Treatment London


Patients with gynecomastia in London hoping to reduce the size of male breasts can benefit from the expertise and decades of experience from award-winning surgeon, Paul Banwell.

Sometimes referred to as ‘man boobs’ or ‘moobs’, gynecomastia is a condition that causes overly large male breasts. Excessive male breast tissue can be the cause of embarrassment or low self-esteem for those living with the condition. 

Mr Paul Banwell is one of the UK’s leading specialists in gynecomastia surgery and offers male breast reduction treatment from his clinics in London, Tunbridge Wells and East Grinstead.

Book a no-obligation consultation at your earliest convenience to discuss what male breast reduction treatment could do for you.

You can contact the clinic on 01342 330 302 or email for more information.


How do I know if I have gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition that affects many individuals but in particular males. It’s extremely common, but even so, it can cause significant distress and discomfort.

There are several key signs and symptoms to look out for if you suspect you have gynecomastia:

  • The presence of enlarged male breast tissue
  • An increase in the size of your breasts
  • Feelings of self-consciousness, embarrassment or anxiety over the appearance of your breasts

Male breast reduction surgery could help if you notice firm or rubbery lumps around or under your nipple area. Gynecomastia can also make the breast tissue tender to the touch, resulting in discomfort.

Another sign to look out for is a noticeable growth in the breast area, sometimes resulting in asymmetry between the two enlarged breasts.

To be sure if you have gynecomastia or if another underlying condition causes your symptoms, it is always best to consult with your doctor. They will be able to assess your specific situation and provide an accurate diagnosis.


Is gynecomastia harmful?

Gynecomastia is usually not a sign of severe health problems. Even though the excess breast tissue may look or feel unsightly, it tends to be a condition caused by factors including hormonal imbalance, diet, physiological changes, medication or alcohol.

But in addition to physical changes, gynecomastia can have a psychological impact on those living with the condition. Many individuals with gynecomastia experience feelings of self-consciousness, embarrassment or anxiety about their appearance.

The good news is that gynecomastia is treatable through male chest reduction surgery and many patients find this is the most effective method to achieve the body they want.

Most of the time gynecomastia is a benign condition. If you are concerned about male breast cancer, the best thing to do is get checked out by a healthcare professional. This is important, especially if there is significant asymmetry in the breast area.


What does gynecomastia treatment in London entail?

Not all patients with gynecomastia will need to undergo an extensive surgical procedure. During your initial consultation, Mr Banwell will be able to assess your condition and discuss the available treatment options.

Patients are often referred to Mr Banwell once a GP has taken blood samples and ruled out any abnormalities. From here, there are usually two options depending on the extent of the enlarged breast tissue.



Usually the first step in male breast reduction treatment is liposuction. This is a minimally invasive surgical procedure which involves making a very small incision to suck out excessive fatty breast tissue. This can be done on one or both breasts and is generally very successful for patients with mild to moderate gynecomastia.


Male breast reduction surgery

For patients with excess fatty tissue, excess skin or very fibrous tissue, male breast reduction surgery is often required. Again, this can be performed on one or both breasts and will be discussed with the patient during the initial consultation.


What will my chest look like after gynecomastia surgery?

You can view the before and after gallery and download the treatment fact sheet here. Full recovery after male breast reduction surgery is expected in around 4 weeks, but patients will need to wear a supportive garment for up to 8 weeks to ensure optimal recovery.


Will I need to have a general anaesthetic?

Male breast reduction surgery will be performed under general anaesthetic so you will not be awake during the procedure. Surgical tapes or sutures will be used to help heal any wounds and keep the small incision sites clean.


Are the results of male breast reduction noticeable?

Male breast reduction is extremely effective and you should notice results immediately, but these will become more apparent once all swelling has subsided.

You can expect a noticeable reduction in fatty tissue, excess skin and the overall size of the breast area. If requested, Mr Banwell can also perform a procedure to reduce the size of the nipples.


Why choose Paul Banwell for gynecomastia surgery in London?

Mr Banwell is a highly sought-after award-winning surgeon who is renowned for his outstanding results and expertise in cosmetic surgery.

He is one of few plastic surgeons who specialise in gynecomastia surgery in London, with results that exceed the expectations of most patients.

Few surgeons can rival the impeccable experience and credentials awarded to Mr Paul Banwell and his skills and knowledge in cosmetic surgery, regenerative medicine, scarring, skin health and skin cancer have earned him a prestigious international reputation.

Gynecomastia London

Book a consultation

All procedures with Mr Banwell begin with an initial consultation. This is a chance to meet Mr Banwell and discuss your concerns and queries regarding male breast reduction surgery.

Book a no-obligation consultation at our specialist clinic and start your journey towards male breast reduction. You can contact us on 01342 330 302 or email if you would like further information.

Paul Banwell

19 Harley Street



W1G 9QJ 

Mr Banwell and his team were really great. They were friendly, professional and love to deal with. Mr Banwell did amazing work for me and I’m absolutely delighted with the outcome. I would highly recommend Mr Banwell to anyone who is thinking about breast augmentation.

Mise S.

It is hard for me to find the right words to thank you enough for everything you have done for me.

I went to see Mr Banwell to get reassurance about the moles and blemishes which have been steadily growing since I was a young adult. 30 years ago we were not aware of the dangers of the sun and burning on holiday way an annual ritual. Thankfully we are all now aware that the sun damage can cause skin cancer and the changes in my moles mean I have a precautionary approach, particularly as older family members have had tumours removed. Paul knows exactly what he was looking for and studied each and every mole methodically. The two he highlighted for treatment were two of the least innocuous (in my opinion) which surprised me. Clearly to the trained eye they needed removal. I have since had an excision of one and due to have photo dynamic therapy treatment for the small red mark on my nose later this year. Without seeing Paul, this minor irritation would have been left and could possibly have created problems later in life. I advocate regular checks for anyone with moles and skin blemishes. The technology now is so impressive and it makes absolutely sense to take full advantage of Paul’s expertise.

Gabrielle S.

I am delighted to say that everything has settled down very well and my upper lids are looking extremely good. I would like to thank you for the tremendous care you have taken with me over the past 15 months.

Rosemary F.

From initial consultation right through to arrival for surgery and the subsequent aftercare, I have found the level of courtesy, understanding and professionalism of yourself and your team (both medical and administrative) to have been exemplary. So please accept my heartfelt thanks for accepting me as a patient and for your surgical expertise which has made such a positive difference in so many aspects of my life.

Christina C.

The care was excellent both pre and post operatively. During my stay at the hospital I knew exactly what to expect and when, which was most reassuring. The outcome is exactly as I’d have hoped. My eyes look less heavy and it’s as if they have more space to open! I’d never heard of the procedure before seeing Mr Banwell but I knew that something needed doing, and I’m absolutely delighted with the results.

Janet T.


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